Much of the work requested over the last several years has been for small, nicely detailed, and smartly-designed homes to replace family cottages in areas near many of Cape Cod's beaches. Zoning bylaws do allow cottage tear-downs in most towns, and you would be surprised what towns will allow to replace them. Often times customers come in with a desire to remodel or renovate an old cottage, but once they find out the poor condition of the structure, the cost to upgrade all mechanical systems, and the requirements of the structural and energy codes, the costs often times far surpass the costs of new construction. REEF has new home plans tailored for this scenario called our Cottage Collection (Click here to see our -Cottage Plans.) These plans are compact, efficient, and but stylish and offer a lot of flexibilty and they are a good starting point for many of our customers. Click below and contact us today to find out what we can do for you!!
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Tags: cape cod homes, cottage plans, home plans, house plans, tear down
At this time of year it is critical to properly winterize your home. Damage from frozen hose spigots, outdoor showers, and ice dams can cause thousand s of dollars of damage. Often times, homeowners don't even realize the damage has happed, or leaks can go unnoticed for several months. Here are some tips from NARI which might be helpful.
Decrease drafts in the home by testing windows and doors for air leaks and sealing them with caulk or weather stripping.
- Install storm windows or plastic sheeting over single-pane windows or if a homeowner is considering a replacement, try specially coated double-pane windows designed to reflect heat back into the room.
- Clean or replace the air filter to maximize the efficiency of the heating system. Clean out ducts, warm-air registers, baseboard heaters and radiators too.
- Insulate ducts running through attics, crawl spaces and garages. Check for separation, holes and leaks and seal them.
- Seal the fireplace by keeping dampers closed when the fireplace is not in use. Or install a glass door to fit inside the opening when buring out the fire.
Tags: remodeling, home improvements, renovations
Whether you are thinking of remodeling, renovating or building new, the biggest hurdle for most is the cost of construction. Planning your project is a delicate balancing act between what you want in your home and what you need, and somewhere between those two limits is where you will want to add up. Often times, people come in with a concept only to find out that they can't afford it. How do you avoid this? Planning!!. Working with a team of professionals who know design, construction, permitting and costs allows the consumer to set realistic expectations, budgets and goals. Our suggestion is to find out what you can afford to spend, and then tailor a project to achieve goals that are within that budget. Construction costs, although stable in many respects have changed, especially in the coastal areas of Massachusetts.. See our article for more information on Current and Future Construction Costs
Tags: renovation, remodeling, House Design, house plans, new construction
A few weeks ago we started a new home in West Dennis... we have posted various progress photos on our twitter page @reefcapecod. Today we are installing windows and getting ready to apply the roofing this week. This project started as a teardown and has gone exceptionally well given the predictability inherent in the teardown process. Find out more about our process at capecodbuilder.coom Here are some photos...
Tags: New home, Dennis homes, Teardown, House demolition