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Wiring your Home for the Future

Posted by Matthew Teague on Fri, May 18, 2012

    Technology changes quickly, and that stands true for wiring your home.  Over the last several years, we have have seen wiring needs change for custom homes and renovations.  The days of a traditional phone jack in every room are out, especially on the Cape Cod, where summer residents don't want or need a permanent home phone line.  There are many innovations on the market now that will bring the entire home into the digital age.  We have even heard talk of appliances that can communicate over the internet, letting you know when dinner will be ready, or when your laundry is done. However, we feel the future of home entertainment and automation will be wireless.

   In the past, we have done extensive home automation systems with full structured wiring.  These systems are nice, and can control everything from home theater to HVAC and lighting. However, these systems are extremely expensive, and after a few years, they too become outdated.

Here is an article from ThisOldHouse.com discussing the future of wiring for the home. 



Tags: building a home, custom home, custom home builder, home theater

Summer design ideas for your home

Posted by Matthew Teague on Thu, May 17, 2012

    Summer is basically here, and with all of the family planning on visiting your Cape Cod home, we thought it might be a good idea to look for some design ideas for summer living.  Designing a custom home is more than just lines on a page, and the end product is a comibination of spaces, colors and furnishings.  If you want to give you home that summer look, here are some ideas from Freshome.com




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Tags: Cape cod builders, Cape Cod Home, custom home builder

MA Real Estate Market Index At All Time High

Posted by Matthew Teague on Wed, May 16, 2012

   The Massachusetts Association of Realtors published its real estate market index, noting that this month it reached an all time high.  The President of the association indicated that this increase was due to improving confidence in the marketplace, and a strong spring sales season. This index increased 86% from April 2011, which is a great sign for people waiting to sell their home.  The dream of many of our customers is to sell their primary residence, and use the equity earned to build their custom home on Cape Cod.  Well, if you have been waiting, now may be a great time to begin the process.

Here is the complete article from Cape and Plymouth Business Magazine:


Tags: New Homes Cape Cod, Cape Cod Builder, building a home, building, cape cod custom builders

Gardening Ideas - Outdoor Refuge

Posted by Matthew Teague on Tue, May 15, 2012

    Now that spring is here, and summer is just around the corner, we felt that a little outdoor inspiration might be in order.  Building a custom home on Cape Cod doesn't end at the walls and the roof.  Creating a unique landscape, with some special features can really make the difference between the average and the exceptional.  We found this great feature article from Freshome.com with ideas that might inspire your next landscaping project.  We hope you enjoy!




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Tags: Custom Homes, renovation, landscaping, cape cod new homes

More Positive News from the Housing Market

Posted by Matthew Teague on Mon, May 14, 2012

   So all signs are pointing to a resurgence of a strong housing and residential real estate market.   Inventories are low, demand is increasing, and credit is available and inexpensive. After spending several years in a stagnant "correcting" market, builders are seeing demand for new homes.  As a custom builder on Cape Cod, we often look to news like this to forecast our demand for the coming year.  This stabilization of the housing market means that existing homes are selling at a reasonable price and time period, which is important, as many of our customers are waiting to sell their existing homes before they invest in their retirement home on Cape Cod.  As the market pace increases, so will demand for materials and labor, which will begin to increase over the next year or so.   Bottom line: Now is a great time to build!!


Here is the complete article from FoxBusiness:  http://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/2012/05/09/as-housing-sector-recovers-signs-sustainability-emerge/

Tags: new home on cape cod, Construction Costs, new homes, Cape Cod Builder

Tear Down or Renovate?

Posted by Matthew Teague on Fri, May 11, 2012

      This is an important question to ask when you are considering a major renovation or remodeling project on Cape Cod.  Renovation costs are skyrocketing, especially for antiquated homes that may require substantial additional work to meet all current structural, mechanical, and enery codes.  The real underlying value for properties on Cape Cod is the land and the location. So often times, when compared to the value of a remodeling, a new home of comparable size may not be much more expensive, and in some cases, could be less expensive.  Something to think about for your Cape Cod Home. Here is an article from about.com with some advice on a teard-down project.



Tags: renovation, remodeling, cape cod new home, tear down

Landscaping on Cape Cod - Gravel Driveways

Posted by Matthew Teague on Thu, May 10, 2012

      One of the most challenging items for a custom home builder, or customer is deciding on an appropriate landscape budget.  Landscaping is one of those things that is always left to do at the last minute, and often times, there is not enough money set aside to meet the customer's goals.  Good landscaping doesn't always have to be expensive, but if you don't plan ahead, that dream home with the paver patio, large green lawn, and lush planting may not be a reality.  A great way to save money, and still get a classic look is with a gravel driveway.  Gravel driveways, or gravel / shell mix driveways are common on Cape Cod, and are an inexpensive alternative to paving, cobblestones, or manufactured pavers. 

Here is a great article from Houzz.com discussing the advantages of gravel:


Tags: New Homes Cape Cod, landscaping, cape cod landscaping

Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Solutions

Posted by Matthew Teague on Wed, May 09, 2012

    Kitchen and bathroom remodeling still top the list of remodeling and renovation projects nationwide. As a custom home builder and remodeling contractor, REEF often performs this type of work.  With the current economic conditions, the market has changed, and value-oriented customers are seeking ways to get more for their dollar.   We found a great article from Housingzone.com that provides input from remodeling contractors across the country on planning and executing your project.  There is a lot of great information here. 


Tags: renovation, Kitchen Remodeling, custom building, bathroom

Light Bulbs that last for 20 Years?

Posted by Matthew Teague on Tue, May 08, 2012

   The building and remodeling industry is constantly changing.  Whether building codes, new products, materials, or techniques, something new is always around the corner.   Massachusetts is going to adopt a new building code in July 2012 that will raise the bar on energy efficiency.  This new code covers not only insulation, windows, and HVAC systems, but also energy efficient lighting.  Under this new code, at least 75% of the lighting in your new home will have to be high efficiency.   The cost of high efficiency lighting in a new home or renovation can be expensive.  But as custom builders, who struggle with controlling costs on a daily basis, we were happy to see this new bulb from Phillips.  This light has a working life of at least 20 years!! So for a reasonable additional cost, you can almost guarantee worry free lighting for the lifespan of the new home.


Here is the full article on this new light: 20 Year Light Bulb


If you are thinking of a new home, renovation, or remodeling project on Cape Cod this year, you should definitely contact us to see how this new code may impact your project.  Click below to talk to one of our experts!

Click me

Tags: new homes, energy efficiency, massachusetts building code

Real Estate Sales up 20% from Last Year

Posted by Matthew Teague on Mon, May 07, 2012

   The Warren Group recently published their Massachusetts Real Estate sales statistics for the month of March. Sales are up an notable 20% from March 2011 marking the 9th consecutive month of increased sales.  So what does this mean to REEF, a custom home builder on Cape Cod?  It provides clear indication that demand is increasing, and that the market is supporting sound investments in real estate.   If you are thinking of a new home, or remodeling project, you should probably take steps to start the process now.   As demand increases, there will be corresponding increases in material, labor and other costs.  These indicators coupled with the pending building code change in July can only lead to increased costs for consumers. 


Here is the article from the Cape Cod Times: http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120424/NEWS11/120429886


Tags: Construction Costs, cape cod homes, cape cod custom builders

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