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REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder

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Cape Cod's 10 Best Beaches - Did yours make the list?

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Mon, Aug 05, 2013

It’s August…and time for the BEACH! It’s absolute sterling beach weather here on sunny Cape Cod. After spending some simply glorious hours on the beach this weekend, I want to make sure everybody who’s interested knows how to find the best beaches.

Many of our Customers are drawn back to the Cape after having enjoyed some part of their youth here. Always that has included happy memories of endless hours on the beach. And we are forever designing homes with provisions for those returning from the beach: easy access to outdoor shower, 1st floor laundry, etc.

So if you’re wondering where your next Cape Cod adventure will take you, check out these links.

And if you want to know about our secret beach hideaways…call any time: 508-394-3090.

Top 10 Cape Cod Beaches

Cape Cod beach

Cape Cod Chamber list of Beaches

Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house

New FEMA Flood Zones and Renovation Info from the Pro's

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Fri, Aug 02, 2013

How will the new FEMA Flood Zone maps affect your Cape Cod home?

What types of renovation can I do without having to upgrade my home to current building codes?

How can I make my new home flood proof?

What is the Wind Borne Debris Zone? Does it affect my Cape Cod Home?

What types of measures, techniques and materials are used to ensure my new home is safe from flood and hurricane damage?

Answers to these and other questions will be shared tomorrow, Saturday, on the radio:

Saturday, 10AM on WXTK, 95.1 FM.

WXTK logo resized 600

Matt Teague and Jim Hagerty of REEF Cape Cod’s Home Builder will share all kinds of great information on the Cape Cod Real Estate Show tomorrow, Saturday. Tune in, call in, and get your questions answered!

REEF on the radio Saturday 10-11AM


Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house

Mistakes to avoid when building your new Cape Cod Home

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Tue, Jul 30, 2013

We build dream houses every day. A huge part of our responsibility is designing the floor plan, interior spaces, and exterior elevations of the house around the lifestyle of the Customer. Here on Cape Cod,  the house design can be significantly limited by the building lot. There are myriad variables which may not impact houses in other areas, such as wind borne debris zones, flood plains, etc.

Many times we ask Customers to create “must have” and “would really like to have” lists for the amenities they desire in their new home. Our architectural design team is very skilled at including Customer requirements, while accommodating the regulatory, zoning, and building code limitations. Here is a great list of pitfalls often encountered by people who design their own home. It’s good information, even if you’re working with experts, like REEF.

Mistakes to avoid when building your Cape Cod home

Cape Cod Beach House

Mistakes to avoid when building your Cape Cod home



Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house

Short video of REEF home in Brewster on Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Thu, Jul 25, 2013

Brewster on Cape Cod is a magical place. Here’s a short video of building progress on a beautiful Cape Cod style home. Jim Hagerty, REEF’s lead designer, created a wonderfully open floor plan and great curb appeal in a home that fits beautifully into the landscape and neighborhood. Wes Price, REEF’s field supervisor, is on-site ensuring that quality is in every aspect of the construction.

This beautiful home replaced a dilapidated old cottage. The site itself was challenging, but nothing that the REEF team hasn’t seen before. They are experts at working with challenging situations and exceeding expectations. 

REEF home being built in Brewster on Cape Cod

REEF Cape Cod home in Brewster

REEF home being built in Brewster on Cape Cod

Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house

REEF uses new Engineered Lumber product to build Cape Cod home

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Tue, Jul 23, 2013

Lumber! Not on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but it’s something that is vital to REEF homes. We’re constantly refining and upgrading our materials and techniques. Many modern products allow us to build a better, stronger house at the same cost, and sometimes deliver a savings. This a great example: presently REEF is building a home using a new Georgia Pacific (GP) lumber product.

GP’s new engineered lumber is more resistant to flaws like warping and absorption. It also allows more flexibility in the design, letting homeowners build bigger rooms with more intricate finishing, leaving a professional look, while reducing the number of beams required.

Here’s a short article from GP outlining the benefits of their new engineered lumber, and describing REEF’s involvement:

REEF uses new Engineered Lumber

REEF Home in Brewster

REEF uses new Engineered Lumber

Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house

New FEMA Flood Zone Maps affect Cape Cod properties

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Fri, Jul 19, 2013

Super-storm Sandy and other recent water-based natural disasters have catalyzed action by the Fed’s. Last month the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released new maps of flood zones in the USA.  The new maps reflect better data about the effects of waves, tidal surges, storms, and other flooding events. Many homes close to coastal areas and rivers were affected: their projected risk to flooding was increased.

Cape Cod Flood Zones

Here is our new report of concerning the new Flood Zone maps:

-New FEMA Flood Zones affect Cape Cod properties

The new flood zone maps will require many homes to secure flood insurance, and those homes moved to more severe flood zone demarcations will experience insurance cost increases.

  • Will your property be affected?
  • What relief, if any, will property-owners have if they are re-mapped up into a higher risk zone than they were in before?
  • For properties that are re-mapped up, will there be major consequences?
  • What if my structure is re-mapped up and I do nothing?
  • How can I know for certain that I will be grandfathered?
  • Does grandfathering end when I sell or convey my property?
  • Is my grandfathered lower risk rate jeopardized if I change insurance carriers?
  • My insurance agent has never heard of grandfathering of flood insurance risk rates. What should I do?

-New FEMA Flood Zones affect Cape Cod properties

Get answers to these and other questions with our report on the effects of the new FEMA Flood Zone Maps. If you have questions which the report doesn’t address, please don’t hesitate to call us any time: 508-394-3090.

-New FEMA Flood Zones affect Cape Cod properties

Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, FEMA flood zones

Cape Cod Outdoor Spaces Enhanced

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Tue, Jul 16, 2013

Outdoors is where you’ll find us on Cape Cod in the summer. Spending so much time on the deck or around the garden, why not make it really special? Curtains sewn from outdoor fabric can elevate a porch's contemporary style, and provide an interesting backdrop for a wicker or other seating set. Throw pillows soften a space, and linen panels can be used to create a secluded, intimate space.

Like indoor rooms, outdoor spaces can be made multifunctional by using versatile furnishings like ottomans. Move them around at will to serve as extra seating, as small side tables next to a chair, or even as a coffee table with the addition of a tray perched on top.

Here’s some great ideas to help you make your outdoor cape Cod space even more inviting. And when it comes time to expand or renovate, the team at REEF is ready to help.

Outdoor Rooms enhanced

Outdoor Rooms on Cape CodOutdoor Rooms enhanced

Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, Outdoor Living

Before-and-After Examples & updated Cape Cod Fireworks Schedule

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Tue, Jul 02, 2013

People love to look at Before-and-After photographs of homes we have either renovated or replaced. It’s amazing to watch the transformation from run down cottage to fresh, inviting Cape Cod home. And the Return on Investment can be significant!

Here are really great Before-and-After examples from Better Homes and Gardens magazine. You’re bound to get inspired by these homes!

Before and After Home Exteriors

After the fixup on a Cape style home

Before and After Home Exteriors


Additionally, the weather has impacted the Fireworks scheduled for several towns on Cape Cod. There have been postponements and cancellations.  Here’s a link to keep you current:

Cape Cod Fireworks & Parade Schedule

Cape Cod Fireworks

Cape Cod Fireworks & Parade Schedule




Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, 4th of July, before and after, c

Eastham Cape Cod Real Estate Report

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Mon, Jun 24, 2013

If you're interested in real estate on the Outer Cape, then check out Bob's market report. He does a great job of keeping his finger on the pulse of Eastham and surrounding communities.

Here's some examples of what you'll find on Bob's blog:

Eastham Cape Cod Real Estate blog

Eastham dunes & lighthouse resized 600Eastham Cape Cod Real Estate blog

Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, Ca

Summer Events on sunny Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Jun 19, 2013

Many of our Customers like to make the most of every day here on the Cape. Relaxing and “beaching it” are very important! But shows and markets and fairs… there’s just a lot of really fun events all summer long. Keeping track can be a challenge.

Here’s a great events calendar that is constantly updated. Not a lot of glitz, just good real-time info with lots of links. This is a great resource to help keep your Cape Cod time on track!

And when you’re ready to build your Cape escape…just call REEF!

Event Calendar for Cape Cod

fireworks on Cape Cod resized 600

Catboat sailing on Cape Cod







Event Calendar for Cape Cod


Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house

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