Almost every day we get a call from folks interested in updating their Cape Cod home. Frequently they have owned the home for many years. Sometimes our Customers have purchased an older home with replacement in mind. Every case is different, which makes our job fun.
Whether you seek a seasonal escape big enough to accommodate family and friends, or have dreaming of a comfortable retirement home on Cape Cod, we can turn your tired cottage into a wonderfully inviting place to enjoy life.
We've put together some Before & After examples. These are great to get your creative juices flowing: Before and After Home Transformation Examples
Looking for your Cape Cod Summer Rental? Stay in a brand new REEF Home this summer - check out our Summer Rental on Barnstable Harbor Click Here: REEF Summer Rental
If you are considering a new home or major renovation here on Cape Cod and what to know what your new home might cost? click here to download our Consrtuction Cost Guide
If you are considering buying land on Cape Cod, click here to download our Guide to Buying Land on Cape Cod
If you want to follow one of our current custom home projects in real time you can Follow the Build Here:
Follow the Build Part II
Here’s an example of a Before and After transformation:

Before and After Home Transformation Examples