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Modern Builder + Design magazine features REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Nov 18, 2015

Every day we are focused on designing, permitting, and building homes for valued Customers. We always have multiple projects happening, so it's easy to lose oneself in the details and business of just getting it done.

Last week a package arrived...and there was our good work, on the cover of Modern Buider + Design magazine. Cool! Very cool!

Modern Builder + Design feature article on REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder


Modern Builder + Design feature article on REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder

Check it out, and let us know what you think. We'd love to get your feedback!

Let us design and build a house for you, and maybe you'll end up on a magazine cover!

Offshore Wind Farm making adventurous progress in RI near Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Nov 11, 2015

Wind farms off Cape Cod have been in the news a lot lately. Cape Wind's hopes of seizing Horseshoe Shoals are almost completely dead, and Denmark-based DONG Energy is proposing a 1,000 megawatt project 15 miles south of Martha's Vineyard.

So how do you actually install 100 giant wind turbines in the ocean bed? It can't all be easy sledding.

The folks at Deepwater Wind have encountered all sorts of adventures in their efforts to install tubines off Block Island. Everything from humpback whales stopping construction, to huge barges breaking loose.

This is great stuff!:

Offshore Wind Farm encounters events making progress in Rhode Island near Cape Cod.

Offshore Wind Farm encounters events making progress in Rhode Island near Cape Cod.

Tags: REEF builders

5 Great Ways to Jump-Start your Decluttering effort on Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Thu, Nov 05, 2015

Busy summer? Stuff everywhere? Me too! Winter is coming - you'll be spending more time inside. So it's time to store the summer stuff, and organize eveything else.

Decluttering is highly underrated: a clean space is happy, productive space. Make it clean and you'll be happier - really!

So where do you begin? Do you create a filing system first, or get stuff into piles? Start at the front door and work backwards?

Here's a great guideline to help you declutter and refresh for the winter season:

5 Ways to Jump-Start your Decluttering effort for your Cape Cod home

Beautiful custom kitchen on Cape Cod

5 Ways to Jump-Start your Decluttering effort for your Cape Cod home

Beautiful open floor plan in Eastham on Cape Cod



Tags: Custom Homes, cape cod, design, Home Decor, kitchen, Fall Decorating

Great News! Requirement for expensive Impact Resistant Windows may be Eliminated on Cape Cod!

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Oct 28, 2015

Many people are surprised to learn how much it costs to build a house on Cape Cod. One of the cost drivers has been accommodating the "Wind Borne Debris Zone" with Impact Resistant Glass. 

This special zone extends approximately 1 mile inland from mean high water, which includes thousands of Cape Cod homes. The current building code requires any glazed surface (a window or glass door) to be constructed of Impact Resistant Glass (IR Glass), or to have plywood cut to size and available with fasteneters to cover the glazed surface.

Impact Resistant Glass window after 2x4 test

IR Glass almost triples the cost of an installed window. Ouch! So this requirement has been a significant comp0nent of the increased cost of building on Cape Cod.

Coming in 2016, the new Building Code is reported to have eliminated the IR Glass requirement:

Further detailed investigation by staff indicates the new wind speeds in this extended windborne area are less than the wind speed that triggered windborne debris requirements in the 2009 IRC. With that consideration, and not finding any historical evidence indicating windborne debris has been the primary cause of major structural damage after much investigation, the windborne debris requirement has been eliminated. This simplifies design and construction and significantly reduces cost."

So...there is hope that the rising cost of materials to build a home on Cape Cod may stall a bit, especially when you don't have to spend $1,000 for a simple window!

Want more info? Here's our updated report on building costs:

What are building costs  per SF on Cape Cod?


Top Tips to prepare your Cape Cod home for Winter

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Oct 21, 2015

We all know it's coming...Summer was great...Fall is wonderful...and ol' man Winter is on his way. How will your home fare the storm season? I know I'll be stowing the porch furniture soon.

Nationwide has a great site with Winter Preparation Tips:

Nationwide Insurance Tips for Cape Cod Homes

Here's some Top Tips from the NAHB:

To help prepare your home for the winter weather, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Remodelers has provided home maintenance tips that are designed to increase energy-efficiency and decrease the chance of emergency repairs.

  • Check for gaps in insulation or crawl spaces that expose pipes to cold air and the risk of freezing and bursting.
  • Have your heating system checked by a licensed technician before cold weather requires daily use.
  • Block drafts around doors, windows and baseboards with weather stripping, window film and caulk to control heat loss.
  • Install storm doors and windows to improve energy-efficiency and keep drafts at bay.
  • Get chimneys cleaned by an experienced chimney sweep to prevent the risk of a fire from buildup or blockages.
  • Spray door locks with powdered-graphite lubricant to prevent freezing and sticking.
  • Set ceiling fans to rotate clockwise to force rising warm air back towards the floor.

Tags: cape cod custom homes, custom home

Wellfleet Oyster Festival this weekend on Cape Cod!

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Oct 14, 2015

There are many great events on Cape Cod, but the Wellfleet Oyster Fest is a must! It happens this weekend, October 17 and 18, 10AM - 5PM.

Jim Hagerty, our VP and lead designer, takes his family every year. "I love the  great food and drink at the Winslow Tavern. And the kids love all the activity at the Oyster Fest".

The oyster shucking contest is a highlight (The Shuck-off !). Arts and Crafts are on display, jugglers, Cape Cod African Drums, skateboard competition, spelling bee, tennis round-robin, cooking demonstrations, dance party - all in Wellfleet!

Here's all the info and schedule for one of Cape Cod's best events:

Wellfleet Oyster Fest info and schedule

Wellfleet Oyster Fest info and schedule

Wellfleet Oyster Fest info and schedule



Tags: Wellfleet Oysterfest

Great Bar Design Ideas for your Cape Cod Home

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Oct 07, 2015

We all know that the kitchen is the "heart of the home", but what about after dinner? Many of our Customers request that their home design offer multiple living areas, including a place to mix and enjoy beverages before and/or after a nice meal. 

Of course there are myriad ways to handle the needs of a home bar, with built-in cabinets and wine coolers, or perhaps a simple space for a classic antique table. Recently we included a beer tap in the wet bar for a Customer.  Sometimes the requirement will roll into an outside space.

In any event, here are some great ideas to get the bar out of the kitchen, and satisfy the needs of entertaining in your Cape Cod home:

Great Bar Design Ideas for Cape Cod homes

Wooden work table bar for a Cape Cod home

Great Bar Design Ideas for Cape Cod homes

Great galley bar for a Cape Cod home

Great Bar Design Ideas for Cape Cod homes



Tags: New home

"Inspired by the Bay" on Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Thu, Oct 01, 2015

For our Customers, every project is special. Of course! What could be better than a home designed around your lifestyle, with special amenities you just for you, delivered on time, at a guaranteed build cost well within your budget.

Every once in a while, one of our custom homes gets noticed and recognized for the easy living and gracious amenities it offers, not to mention the million dollar view! What makes homes like this so special? Take a moment and enjoy:

"Inspired by the Bay" takes you to a Cape Cod beach house...

Million Dollar Cape Cod Bay view by REEF Builders

"Inspired by the Bay" takes you to a Cape Cod beach house...

Historic look, Modern spaces and amenities by REEF Builders

Tags: remodeling, design, Home Decor, REEF, chatham

The shortage of Subcontractors may affect your Cape Cod Home

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Thu, Sep 24, 2015

The past few years have been active ones for quality custom home builders on Cape Cod. Certainly the team at REEF has been busy. Many of our Customers are enjoying their first home building experience with REEF. Their Cape Cod home has been a dream, and it’s our pleasure (and responsibility) to make that dream come true.

Frequently we find that our Customers have little understanding of how many different trades are involved with actually building their home. Excavation, foundation, framing, insulation, plumbing, electrical, siding, roofing, cabinetry, windows, doors, tile, trim, plastering, painting, alarm systems, irrigation…the list of various experts involved in the construction of a single home is startling to some folks.

Our business model allows us to select the best craftspeople for the specific job, as well as those delivering the best value for the work. One of the challenges on Cape Cod is available resource. Because REEF always has multiple projects underway at different stages of completion, we keep quality tradespeople busy, which allows us to schedule effectively, and guarantee delivery.

That said, the number of tradespeople required and employed by the home building industry is astounding. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) keeps track of such information, which is very enlightening:

How many Subcontractors does it take to Build your Cape Cod Home?


How many Subcontractors does it take to Build your Cape Cod Home?

7 Ways You might be Ruining your Wood Floors on Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Sep 16, 2015

What do you love most about every room in your Cape Cod home?

The wood floors?  Me too!

Wood floors are probably the most singularly popular part of the custom homes we design and build. Everybody has different interests and preferences, but wood floors are a common "Yes!". Even older homes often have stunning wood floors, sometimes with a fine patina gained over decades of use.

And they take a beating. Hardwood floors are long lasting, handsome, and sensible. Simple steps will keep them looking good for generations to come. But watch out for these common mistakes, because they can ruin your beautiful floors in no time:

7 Ways You may be Ruining your Wood Floors on Cape Cod


7 Ways You may be Ruining your Wood Floors on Cape Cod




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