FEMA’s new Flood Insurance Rate Maps have caused a lot of confusion and questions. Their impact on real estate values on Cape Cod is huge. Sales and refinances are being lost, and most people aren’t quite sure what will happen next.
Congressman Bill Keating has proposed legislation requiring FEMA to reevaluate their flood maps, and better analyze the maps’ economic impact. This may slow down their implementation for several years.
What exactly is the situation? Will flood insurance rates increase right away? Should home owners near flood zones be concerned? How will home repairs and improvements affect my insurance rates? Must homes in flood zones now be built above the flood plain?
Get answers directly from Congressman Keating next week, February 20. Here’s more information on his presentation in Bourne:
Congressman Keating announces FEMA Flood Insurance Information Session

Congressman Keating announces FEMA Flood Insurance Information Session
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
Here on Cape Cod we’re surrounded by the ocean. Many of the homes we build have wonderful, if not commanding, ocean and bay views. Our designs are often focused on the water, taking advantage of the ever-changing natural scene that is the ocean.
Here’s a beautiful kitchen which maximizes all sorts of important considerations: view, storage, cooking space…It reminds me of the kitchen we built which will be featured in Cape Cod Life magazine this summer. Take a walk around this space and get energized. We’d love to build this kitchen for you!
Ocean Inspired Kitchen for your Cape Cod Home (CLICK HERE)

Ocean Inspired Kitchen for your Cape Cod Home (CLICK HERE)
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
Here at REEF we build houses to last for generations. With decades of experience with the Cape Cod climate, including hurricanes and blizzards, we know what our homes must withstand. We are constantly researching and employing advances in building materials and application technologies.
Still, Mother Nature takes her toll. Sun, wind, rain, sleet, snow…you name it, weather is constantly challenging your home. That’s OK. It is expected. But sometimes Homeowners aren’t aware, or just don’t pay attention to routine maintenance.
Here are 5 “Ticking Time Bombs” that affect every household on Cape Cod. Sometimes an ounce of prevention IS worth a pound of cure. Let us know if you need help with any of these common Homeowner challenges: (click the link below)

Are these Ticking Time Bombs in your Cape Cod Home?
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
So what’s it like to build a house on Cape Cod? You’ve found the perfect spot, and waited for a long time. Now the house of your dreams is designed around your desires, and built before your eyes.
Stressful? Anxious? Sleepless nights worrying about the outcome? What is the experience like?
This brief video tells all. Listen to Pat and Mary describe their experience working with REEF Builders on Cape Cod. See their beautiful home decorated for the holidays.
Life’s too short to trust your dream to a bad design/build company…
Harwich Homeowners describe their experience with REEF

Harwich Homeowners describe their experience with REEF
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
The kitchen – the heart of your Cape Cod Home. Where family and friends gather. When you’re designing your new or remodeled kitchen, you’ll want efficiency, comfort, and perhaps a touch of luxury.
Many of our Customers rely on us to ensure that their new kitchen design considers innovative products while maximizing space and utility. Here are some great “must-haves” to make sure your new space is functional, inviting, eco-friendly, and fun. Enjoy!
10 Must-haves for your luxury Cape Cod Kitchen

10 Must-haves for your luxury Cape Cod Kitchen
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
TV…Love it…Can’t live without it. For many it’s the primary news, entertainment and general relaxation provider. But must it be constantly in the room?
Many of our Customers have asked us to build cabinets and hide-a-ways for their TV’s. They don’t want the peaceful living area of their Cape Cod retreat to be dominated by a big, blank TV screen.
Here’s some really intriguing ways to tuck the TV away, and have it appear on demand. After all, it’s Cape Cod…beach, sand, and sun (not TV!).
Hide the TV in your Cape Cod Home

Hide the TV in your Cape Cod Home
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
New Year, new leaf! Ready to de-clutter? Here are some imaginative ideas to maximize existing spaces for all kinds of great storage. Everything from doggy dining drawers to ironing tables to wine to great bunk space for kids. Wonderful ways to store all your special stuff!
The New Year is always a great time to organize and de-clutter. Make the most of your Cape Cod home. These ideas will get you started!

cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
You love your Cape Cod home…Ready for some fresh ideas? Here are some really interesting and somewhat edgy ideas, from warped windows to chandeliers of row lights. I like the conversation seat that includes a tree…
Some of these new products may be a little “out there” for most of our Customers, but incorporating a new idea, or a little whimsy, into your home can be tons of fun. Please let us know if you’ve used some other different ideas in your home. We’d love to know.
Fresh Ideas for your Cape Cod Home

Fresh Ideas for your Cape Cod Home
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
A New Year brings...a new color! Pantone is the "authority on color", and a provider of color systems and leading technology for accurate communication of color. Each year they introduce their Color of the Year. 2014 brings a bit of a wild side...
Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, says, “An enchanting harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones, [it] inspires confidence and emanates great joy, love and health. It is a captivating purple, one that draws you in with its beguiling charm.” Check it out...what do you think?
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset
Energy efficiency is a component of every home we build. Some of our Customers are very interested in minimizing energy consumption. Frequently we incorporate a passive solar energy feature in the design. “Passive Houses” are gaining popularity: essentially buildings which use very little energy for heating and cooling, while providing a high level of comfort.
Europe is leading the charge in designing Passive Houses to harness natural energy for heating and cooling. The houses implement the latest in insulation technology, triple-glazed windows, balanced energy recovery ventilation and limiting thermal bridging. Here’s a concise and comprehensive introduction to incorporating passive energy efficiency into your next Cape Cod home.
Passive Energy Houses trending for future on Cape Cod

Passive Energy Houses trending for future on Cape Cod
cape cod waterfront homes,
Cape Cod Kitchen,
cape cod home design,
Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house,
porch party|New Seabury|Popponesset