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Appeals to FEMA maps "trickle in" on Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Fri, Oct 25, 2013

Although the new FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps have significantly impacted thousands of properties on Cape Cod, the appeals haven’t been strong. Here’s a good report from the Cape Cod Times on the situation:

Cape Cod Flood damage

Cape Cod Times article: "FEMA map appeals trickle in"

Cape Cod flood map appeals trickle in



October 24, 2013

CHATHAM — Despite the flap over the recently released federal flood insurance risk maps, Chatham was the only Barnstable County town to file an official appeal of map designations by the Oct. 17 deadline.

Several individual property owners appealed, and their methods varied from simple emails to multipage filings with accompanying engineering.

Most may not meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency's requirements.

The purpose of the FEMA-produced flood maps, expected to become effective in June, is to more accurately reflect an area's risk of flooding during a major storm.

The new maps put more properties into flood-risk zones in many communities. In Dennis, for example, 4,000 new properties were added to risk areas.

Those designations, coupled with dramatic premium increases for flood insurance contained in the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, could cost property owners plenty.

Chatham Selectman Sean Summers said concern for the town's residents prompted his board to appeal on their behalf.

"There are people who could lose their homes," Summers said.

FEMA required towns and property owners to submit technical data with their appeals sufficient to refute federal findings.

Over the bridge, Marshfield, Duxbury and Scituate hired consultants to counter federal data on base flood elevation, which is the elevation surface water can reach in a 100-year flood.

Summers said Chatham wasn't given enough time to meet the federal requirements, so the selectmen sent a letter asking that it be considered an official appeal. They called FEMA's map-modeling too generalized, and complained the maps had not undergone peer review. They added that FEMA's criteria for appeal was far too complicated and expensive.

"We fully realize we haven't technically complied with the requirements for appeal," Summers said. "They were requiring science, but we wanted to at least have a placeholder."

The selectmen also included a technical paper on base flood elevations in the area written by a local surveyor. "That was the closest thing to technical data I could think of," Summers said. "It was an effort to fit in their box."

Some Chatham property owners filed their own appeals, including a group of neighbors on the north side of town and two property owners from West Chatham.

While Brewster didn't appeal risk maps, Conservation Administrator James Gallagher did submit comments on Hamilton Cartway, which had been placed in the flood zone.

"I asked about their elevation data," Gallagher said. "This is a neighborhood with hills."

A group of Dennis neighbors on Dr. Lords Road submitted a formal appeal along with some engineering to support it.

Yarmouth Town Planner Kathleen Williams said local officials did not appeal but instead sent a letter to state and federal legislators, requesting a delay of implementation of both the maps and the Biggert-Waters Act.

Williams said only one property owner sent a letter appealing the risk map designation, "but it didn't have any paperwork with it."

Several appeals from property owners in Beach Point and a single one from the Pamet Harbor area were submitted in Truro, said Charleen Greenhalgh, assistant town administrator and town planner.

They ranged from short emails to letters outlining the historical data on the property. She was unsure how many would meet FEMA's requirements.

"I blame it on FEMA for not giving good directions," Greenhalgh said. "People weren't sure how to do it. They were confused, and understandably so."

Falmouth Town Planner Brian Currie said the same was true in his community, with protests ranging from simple letters to packets with technical backup. Currie pointed out property owners would continue to have the ability to hire a surveyor and apply for a letter of map amendment, even though the appeal deadline has passed.

Meanwhile, state and federal legislators are working to delay implementation of the Biggert-Waters Act and are lobbying for a peer review of the maps.

Last week, state Attorney General Martha Coakley and House Speaker Robert DeLeo, D-Winthrop, introduced a bill that would prohibit mortgage companies from requiring homeowners to purchase flood insurance in amounts greater than the outstanding balance on their loans. The bill would also allow homeowners to opt for higher deductibles.

Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, FEMA flood maps| flood zone|flood zone constructio

Find your FEMA Flood Maps on the web for every Cape Cod town.

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Tue, Oct 22, 2013

Is my house in a FEMA Flood Zone? Is it in a Velocity Zone? Has it moved from the 500 Year Flood Plain to the 100 Year Floor Plain?

Buying on Cape Cod? Is the property in a Flood Zone?

We use the maps every day. Now you can access the information on the internet. Here are the web addresses for the FEMA Flood Zone Maps for every town on Cape Cod. 

The FEMA maps can be difficult to read, and challenging to find. We have done the work for you, and have created a list of every URL for every town's FEMA Flood map resource.

Guide to FEMA Flood Map web pages for Cape Cod

FEMA Flood Map for Cape Cod Home

Guide to FEMA Flood Map web pages for Cape Cod

Check the maps to make sure you know where your house is in relation to the new FEMA Flood Zones. Download the list, and click on the link for your town's FEMA Map Resource.


Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, FEMA flood maps| flood zone|flood zone constructio

Home built in FEMA Flood Zone on Cape Cod by REEF Builders

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Thu, Oct 10, 2013

The new FEMA Flood Rate Insurance Maps have created a lot of questions and concern in coastal areas, like Cape Cod. Thousands of properties have been affected by the newly determined Flood Zones.

The new FEMA Maps affect insurance rates, and construction techniques. Furnaces, electrical panels and other mechanicals must be located above Base Flood Elevation (BFE) as described by the new maps. What does this mean for properties in the flood zone? What can be built? Must new houses be built on stilts? What will they look like?

Here is a short video of a new REEF Built home in the flood zone. This home is right on Bass River, literally steps away from the water. It is a great example of excellent design and building techniques that create a beautiful waterfront home, in the flood zone, with wonderful curb appeal. See how the mechanicals are installed, hanging from the ceiling of the lower level.

If you’re in the Flood Zone, or are considering a home near water on Cape Cod, there are methods to achieve your dream home.

Home in Flood Zone built to FEMA Spec's on Cape Cod by REEF Builders

Bass River Waterfront Home on Cape Cod

Home in Flood Zone built to FEMA Spec's on Cape Cod by REEF Builders


Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, FEMA flood maps| flood zone|flood zone constructio

Cape Cod Life photo shoot of REEF Built ocean-view home

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Mon, Oct 07, 2013
Cape Cod Life and Cape Cod Home magazines are great vehicles to share REEF’s new projects, craftsmanship and even philosophy with the world. The homes that are featured in Cape Cod Life and Cape Cod Home are fine examples of the Cape Cod lifestyle.

Cape Cod Life & Cape Cod Home magazines

Recently the Editor of the magazines gave us the opportunity to feature one of our newly-built custom-designed homes in an upcoming issue. Of Course! So last week Dan Cutrona, who is a top-notch photographer, and Irina MacPhee, designer extraordinaire and Owner of Pastiche here on Cape Cod, got together to stage and shoot the house. We enjoyed great weather, and had a blast working together. Really fun.
And we got to eat the shmores and fruit after the shoot!
Here’s a page of photos I took of Dan and Irina working their magic. Stay tuned for the feature article on the beautiful ocean-view home built by REEF Cape Cod’s Home Builder.

Cape Cod Life photo shoot of new REEF Built home

 Cape Cod Life photo shoot


Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, Cape Cod Life

Wellfleet Oysterfest on Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Tue, Sep 24, 2013

The Oysterfest is right around the corner! Wellfleet is the center of the oyster universe with a weekend of festivities, October 19 & 20.

This two day event brings together locals and visitors alike for a weekend full of hometown flavor and big time fun! The 'Fest is produced by a non-profit organization devoted to fostering a greater understanding of the town's shellfishing industry and made possible through collaboration with the Town of Wellfleet, the support of many generous sponsors, the area shellfishermen and a dedicated group of volunteers.

It's a great time. Here's the link to the calendar of events. Plan your Oysterfest weekend now!

Wellfleet Oysterfest on Cape Cod

Wellfleet Oysterfest CapeCod Oct2012 resized 600Wellfleet Oysterfest 2012 resized 600




  • Over 75 artisans, 16 food vendors, 12 raw bars and 13 community organizations
  • Live Music performed by Crabgrass, Sarah Swain and the Oh Boys, The Rip It Ups, Link Montana and The Incredible Casuals.
  • Family Fun Area featuring educational activities, crafts, moonbounces, clowns, face painting and performances geared for the young at heart!
  • Educational programs including a locally filmed documentary about shellfishermen, Barbara and Clint Austin
  • Culinary programs, Taste the Terroir and Merroir; Cooking demo and Book Signing by Phillip Hunt of Winslow’s Tavern and John Carafoli author of Cape Cod Chef’s Table in which Winslow’s is featured.
  • Recreational activities such as nature walks, oyster reef tours, road races, a dance party and a skateboard competition.
  • Free ocean beach parking and shuttle bus transportation into town
  • And of course, the Annual Oyster Shuck-Off competition

 Wellfleet Oysterfest on Cape Cod


Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, Wellfleet Oysterfest

101 Best New Products for your Cape Cod Home

Posted by Matthew Teague on Wed, Sep 18, 2013

The building and construction industry is changing rapidly, and new products are being introduced to the market constantly.   On Cape Cod, traditional styling, and the old shingle-style homes are benefiting from many of these new products.  Advances in composites and plastics are allowing builders and designers to create homes that are low-maintenance, long-lasting, and still have that traditional Cape Cod style.  New energy efficiency requirements are also driving development of advanced, high-efficiency heating and cooling systems for your new home, and when combined with the latest in insulation and building envelope technology can provide a level of energy efficiency never imagined in the past.  Each year, Professional Builder Magazine comes out with its 101 Best New Products list and this year’s list does not disappoint.   From interiors, to windows and doors, and even outdoor living ideas, this list provides some great ideas for your new Cape Cod Home, addition, or renovation.

101 Best New Products


Cape Cod Home

Cape Cod Builder

Tags: Cape Cod Builder, building a home, best products

How will the new FEMA Flood Maps affect your Cape Cod property?

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Mon, Sep 16, 2013
  • Will the new FEMA flood zones affect your Cape Cod property?

  • Is there anything you can do to reduce the impact to your home?

  • How will the new Flood Zones affect your insurance rate?

  • Can you appeal FEMA’s delineation of the Flood Zone around your property?

The new FEMA Flood Zone Maps have catalyzed myriad questions from thousands of property owners. If you are interested in buying or building on Cape Cod, this is really important information.

Property that is located in a 500 year flood plain may now be in a newly designated 100 year plain, or even a “velocity zone.” This affects not only insurability of the property, and the corresponding rates, but also what is allowed to be built on the property, and what construction techniques must be employed when a structure is built or renovated.

This is a huge deal for anybody with property on or near the water. There’s lots of confusion, many questions, and plenty of disinformation. Here’s a simple Infographic from FEMA and some explanation from Coastal Engineering Company which will help home owners and Buyers alike.

Don’t let the new FEMA maps take you by surprise! Do your research now, and be prepared for the adoption of the new maps in 2014.

New FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map infographic

FEMA logo resized 600

Cape Cod Flood ZonesNew FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map infographic

Tags: Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, FEMA flood maps

Fall is coming - Fireplace Ideas for your Cape Cod Home

Posted by Matthew Teague on Thu, Sep 12, 2013

  As summer makes it's exit and we experience the first round of cool nights here on Cape Cod, our thoughts go towards fall evenings in front of a warm fire.  There are literally hundreds of options on the market for fireplaces for your new custom home, and if you are thinking of building a home, renovating or an addition, you should definitely see what is available. 

 Considerdations for style, fuel type (gas or wood), location, and even outdoor fireplaces are all things to look at when planning your Cape Cod home project.  A nice idea is to have a fireplace in the master bedroom, which can enhance the style, cozy feel and ambiance of your new master suite. Click below to see 50 fireplace designs for your Cape Cod Home

50 Fireplace Designs


Cape Cod Fireplace

Living Room fireplace

Tags: cape cod homes, fireplace, cape cod style

Big Living on Small Lots on Cape Cod

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Wed, Sep 11, 2013

“We’d like to have a house with 3 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms. Our lot is 7,405 square feet. “

That’s a lot of living on a very small footprint. But it’s not an unusual request here at REEF. Many of our Customers own property in beach communities, where the parcels of land are very small. But accommodating friends and family, and enjoying a comfortable, year-round lifestyle, are very important. So we design and build highly efficient living in what are sometimes very tight quarters.

The photo below is a REEF built home, with 1,789 Square Feet of living space, 3 bedrooms (including a Master Suite), 3 bathrooms, and a beautiful, open floor plan. The Before photo is the outdated Ranch that had seen better times.

Cape Cod is not the only community with space challenges. Here are some interesting designs and solutions to accommodating modern living in tight spaces around the country.

Building designs for thin lots like those on Cape Cod

REEF Home near Dennis Beaches


Dennis Beach House before



Building designs for thin lots like those on Cape Cod

Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house, porch party

Organized Spaces for your Cape Cod Home

Posted by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder on Thu, Sep 05, 2013

Organization is a key to success. Much of our design energy is directed towards creating open, clean, easy-to-organize spaces. An organized space helps keep the household easy to manage, creating more time for quality activities.

Many of our Customers entertain throughout the seasons, and organization helps keep the visits easy and fun. Here are some great ideas and tips to keep important areas in your home easy to organize. After all, less time cleaning means more time at the beach!


Organize your Cape Cod Home

back to school organization front entry resized 600

Organize your Cape Cod Home

Tags: cape cod waterfront homes, Cape Cod Kitchen, cape cod home design, Cape Cod Builder|Cape Cod Custom Homes|beach house

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