Cape Cod Custom Builder | REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder

October Home Maintenance Checklist

Written by Matthew Teague | Mon, Oct 15, 2012

   Fall is a great time to take care of those necessary, but not so fun home maintenance tasks to get your home ready for winter. Here are a few things you should be thinking about:

  1. Check smoke detectors and replace batteries
  2. Have your chimney cleaned
  3. Have your heating system and hot water heater serviced
  4. Change HVAC filters
  5. Repair or replace damaged screens and windows
  6. Clear leaves around your foundation and flower beds.

MSN Real Astate has a thorough checklist for each season, and you can click here to see what they recommend for October: October Home Checklist

If you have things that you need done around your home, and need some help, REEF has created a small projects division that can handle these repairs for you! Click below to see how we can help you: