Cape Cod Custom Builder | REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder

Preventing Moisture in Bathrooms

Written by Matthew Teague | Tue, Mar 13, 2012

The single biggest reason most bathrooms need to be remodeled is due to moisture damage. Slow and steady moisture accumulation if left untreated can cause structural damage and result in the growth of mold. This type of insidious, slow developing decay can be prevented by using smarter construction methods when developing bathroom plans. By including the following five steps in your bathroom plans you will greatly reduce the chances of moisture issues in your new bathroom.

1] Tubs and showers should be located on interior walls -
It's a good idea to make certain that your new bathroom plans do not include running supply and drain lines in an exterior wall where they are subject to extreme temperature variations. These temperature fluctuations can produce moisture in the wall around the areas where the plumbing is located and should be avoided if at all possible.

2] Vent out moisture -
If your bathroom plans include whirlpool tub or a steam shower you must not forget that these luxury items can create enormous amounts of steam in the bathroom. You should look for a high capacity super quiet bath fan and don't be afraid to spend more for a high quality unit. Make certain that the new fan is ducted through an exterior wall by the shortest path possible. Most of all run the fan. If you have large steam producers such as a whirlpool or steam shower, turn the fan on while taking a bath or steam. Afterwards, close the door to the room and leave the fan on for a minimum of 30 additional minutes.

3] Toilet sweat... don't sweat it -
Condensation on the toilet tank is typical in the summer months especially in homes where air conditioning is not used. The least expensive way to control this excess moisture is by using a tank insulation kit. Another option is to install an anti sweat valve to supply just enough hot water to the tank to keep condensation from forming.

4] Eliminate Shower Stall Leaks -
The best way to prevent grout leaks in your shower is to eliminate grout lines on floor altogether. Many types of one piece shower pans are available to prevent the possibility of your shower floor grout leaking in the future. Depending on the manufacturer and material custom shapes and sizes are available to fit any shower size and shape.

5] Build a Better Bathroom Wall -
Bathroom walls must be designed to work well with the particular climate of a given region. The climate will determine exactly where a vapor barrier is to be placed within the wall during construction. Since moisture generally travels from a warmer to a cooler area, if you live in a Northern climate the vapor barrier would be installed on the inside of the ceiling and wall framing while breathable, permeable exterior sheeting is then used on the exterior. This will allow for any moisture entering the wall space to escape. A local building pro will be able to best help design the right wall system for your new bathroom plans.

These five tips will help make sure your bathroom plans come together with dryness and lower maintenance cost as a priority.


If you have questions about your next bathroom project... click below to contact one of our experts.