Cape Cod Custom Builder | REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder

What is a Custom Cape Cod Home?

Written by REEF Cape Cod's Home Builder | Tue, Mar 22, 2016

When designing your Custom Cape Cod home, customers often refer to "Nantucket Style" or "Cape Cod Style" - but what does that really mean?  Traditional Cape Cod Homes were all about efficient use of materials, light, and most importantly heat! Which is why the old "capes" are centered around a large fireplace. 

So what type of homes do people want today - is  it really a cape style? Most of the home designs in our area are a mixture of traditional Cape Cod and  shingle style homes that became popular in coastal areas around the turn of the last century. Below is a link to a little information we put tugether regarding the various styles that are popular on Cape Cod and a little history about where these details came from!  This information will be helpful when consdidering the design of your new Custom Home on Cape Cod!  As always, feel free to contact us with any questions


Cape Cod Style Architecture